What you can expect

How we’ll work together

All processes at OptiMind aim to use your needs and ideas as a guide. The following procedure therefore simply serves as an example: changes are possible and encouraged to suit each client.
Helen Hammelberg
Owner of OptiMind
I will receive your request with initial information via the contact form on the website and get back to you as soon as possible with a proposed appointment.
Initial consultation
After I’ve received your request, we’ll arrange an appointment to take place either in person or online. This first meeting is about assessing how well we get on an interpersonal level, but is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions. Based on your request described in the contact enquiry, I will also present you with some initial ideas to help you decide whether you want to work with me. Furthermore, I use the consultation to get to know you and your ideas better so I can let you know from my point of view whether I can meet your expectations.
Work material
If you have decided to allow me to join you on your journey of enhancing and optimising your performance, I will send you your first work materials. Throughout the process, you will also receive personalised work materials tailored to your needs.
In our first few meetings, we’ll go over an analysis of your current situation and an initial definition of your target situation, both developed by me. Without knowing the exact starting point, it is difficult to define a clear path.
Incremental change
Small steps, big priorities, major impact. By continuously analysing your current life situation, we’ll work together to establish new behaviours and mindsets that support your performance. The process will also focus on identifying and mitigating obstacles. Sustainable change is very important to me in my work with my clients. This is why we devote ourselves entirely to introducing changes at your own pace, making sure that they can be put into practice in your everyday life and that no compromises need to be made in other areas of life.
Psychological conversations
Your well-being is my top priority. Life is not a cost-benefit analysis, and it is only possible to improve your performance if your mental health and your mental state have a stable foundation. In conversations dedicated to this topic, a space will be created in which you can speak freely (with as much guidance from me as you wish).
Life happens
I’m aware that our situation can change from day to day (or even from hour to hour). Therefore, our collaboration will be geared towards your current, individual needs – even if it means abandoning a planned step or changes that are already under way. There is no one-size-fits-all programme, no predetermined, universal journey. We are guided by what has priority in your life.


Below I answer the most frequently asked questions about OptiMind and our collaboration.
How much is it likely to cost?
This depends on the services you require. Below you will find an overview of my cost structure:

Psychology Level of education: Msc. Psychologist / Psychotherapist in training
Hourly rate: 70,-
Weekly sessions: 1.5 hours = 105,- per week
Monthly costs: 420,-
Nutritional counseling Level of education: Fitness Trainer B / Personal Trainer License
Hourly rate: 50,-
Weekly time expenditure: 1h planning + 1h feedback and analysis + 1h questions and consultation = 150,- per week
Monthly costs: 600,-
Fitness training Level of education: Personal Trainer + Fit B
Hourly rate: 60
Weekly time expenditure: 1h training planning and creation of personalized videos / adjustments + 2h video feedback and video analysis + 1h joint training =240,- per week
Monthly costs: 960,-
Everyday optimization
Included in other areas
420,- (psychology)
+ 600 (fitness)
+ 960,- (nutrition)
1980,- total package + 20,- for 24h availability 420,- (Psychologie)
+ 600,- (Fitness)
+ 960,- (Ernährung)
1980,- Gesamtpaket + 20,- für 24h Erreichbarkeit
2000,- Total monthly costs
Is there a minimum term?
If you opt for the "full package" of holistic support, the minimum term is 6 months.
Do you only offer your services in person, or are they also available online?
Completely online support is possible, even though I always find it nice to give my clients face-to-face contact.
Can I also take advantage of specific individual services?
Yes, it is also possible to take advantage of the individual service modules and, for example, only be looked after by me in the area of fitness.
How much time am I expected to invest in the collaboration?
That depends entirely on what you want. You set the pace and define the time frame for our collaboration.
Can I have the cost of your services reimbursed by my health insurance?
My OptiMind offers are not a therapy that can be billed to health insurance companies. Nevertheless, there are some health insurance companies that allow certain health services to be credited. However, this must be clarified on an individual basis.

Book your initial consultation now

If you’re looking for someone who not only brings professional expertise, but also a real basis of understanding, I’m here for you. Let’s work together to turn your story into a success story. Feel free to contact me for more information or for a initial consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!
The OptiMind principle reflects a strongly client-centred approach as well as a long-term and process-oriented way of thinking to support your individual well-being and maximise your performance.
© 2024 made by venicebranding.de
Helen Hammelberg