This depends on the services you require. Below you will find an overview of my cost structure:
Psychology Level of education: Msc. Psychologist / Psychotherapist in training
Hourly rate: 70,-
Weekly sessions: 1.5 hours = 105,- per week
Monthly costs: 420,-
Nutritional counseling Level of education: Fitness Trainer B / Personal Trainer License
Hourly rate: 50,-
Weekly time expenditure: 1h planning + 1h feedback and analysis + 1h questions and consultation = 150,- per week
Monthly costs: 600,-
Fitness training Level of education: Personal Trainer + Fit B
Hourly rate: 60
Weekly time expenditure: 1h training planning and creation of personalized videos / adjustments + 2h video feedback and video analysis + 1h joint training =240,- per week
Monthly costs: 960,-
Everyday optimization
Included in other areas
420,- (psychology)
+ 600 (fitness)
+ 960,- (nutrition)
1980,- total package + 20,- for 24h availability 420,- (Psychologie)
+ 600,- (Fitness)
+ 960,- (Ernährung)
1980,- Gesamtpaket + 20,- für 24h Erreichbarkeit
2000,- Total monthly costs