Feeling Unmotivated?

Here's How to Find New Energy

Are you feeling unmotivated and low on energy? You are not alone – many of us are familiar with the feeling of lacking the strength for daily life. This lack of motivation can not only dampen our mood, it can also hinder the achievement of personal goals and affect our quality of life. Fortunately, there are ways to regain motivation and find energy for everyday life.
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No More Motivation? These Could Be the Reasons

Lack of motivation often has deeper underlying causes. Understanding them is the first step to overcoming them.
Stress and Overwork
An overloaded daily life can quickly lead to exhaustion. Constant pressure and lack of relaxation prevent our body and mind from recovering. This creates a vicious circle of stress and fatigue that stifles any motivation.
Lack of Goals and Perspectives
Without clear goals and a vision, we quickly feel lost. Goals give us direction and a path to channel our energy. However, without clarity about what we're striving for, motivation can dwindle – we simply don’t know what’s worth the effort.
Personal and Health Problems
Health and personal issues such as lack of sleep, chronic illnesses, or burdensome relationships affect our motivation. They consume a lot of energy, leaving little for other areas, making even small tasks seem daunting.

Finding Motivation: These Motivators Can Give You a Boost

To be motivated again, it is important to understand what drives us.
Intrinsic Motivators
This type of motivation comes from within. Personal growth, the pursuit of self-fulfillment, or joy in an activity – these are intrinsic motivators. They give us the feeling of doing something meaningful, which increases motivation in the long term.
Extrinsic Motivators
Extrinsic motivators are external incentives such as rewards, recognition, or praise from others. Although this type of motivation is often not as strong as intrinsic motivation, it can help us persevere during tough times and celebrate small victories.
Helen Hammelberg Gründerin von OptiMind
I help you to improve your performance in all areas of life through the holistic integration of mental, physical and spiritual strength.
Helen Hammelberg, M.Sc. Psychology

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation: What Really Drives You

Definition and Differences
Intrinsic motivation arises from inner drive – it is deeply rooted and long-lasting. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is based on external rewards and is often short-term. Both have their place and can be used depending on the situation.
How to Use Both Types
To boost your motivation, combine both approaches: Set personal goals (intrinsic) but reward yourself for progress and milestones (extrinsic). This mix provides support and enhances your motivation on all levels.
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Motivation Comes from Action: How to Get Moving

Why Action Creates Motivation
Often, we wait for the perfect moment to feel motivated to start. In reality, motivation arises from taking action itself. By moving and becoming active, we increase our energy and find joy in progress.
Practical Tips for Taking the First Step
Start with small, simple tasks that don’t require much effort. Once you're in the flow, your motivation will naturally grow. An initial step could be establishing a simple morning routine or completing short tasks.

What to Do When You're Unmotivated? Immediate Measures for a Boost

Quick Tips for More Motivation
There are some simple actions that can immediately help you feel motivated: Take a short walk, write down three things you are grateful for, or create a list of small, achievable goals for the day.
Proven Techniques and Methods
Techniques like setting realistic goals, using reward systems, or keeping a success journal help maintain motivation in the long term. Small successes boost your confidence and make you eager for more.
Glückliche Frau lachend mit scheinbar viel Motivation

Overcoming Lack of Motivation: Long-term Strategies for More Energy

Goal Setting and Planning
Set specific but achievable goals. Plan realistic steps to reach them – this keeps you motivated, knowing the path is manageable.
Routines and Self-reflection
Regular reflection on your goals and progress, as well as consistent routines, help keep you motivated. Routine provides structure, and through self-reflection, you recognize what benefits you and what holds you back.

Motivation and the Dopamine System: A Deep Insight

Motivation is closely linked to dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is the "reward molecule" that drives us to pursue goals. When our dopamine levels are low, we often feel unmotivated. Some measures can help stabilize these base levels:
  • Morning sunlight: 10-30 minutes of sunlight promote dopamine production.
  • Cold water: A cold shower can increase dopamine levels for hours.
  • Nutrition: Tyrosine-rich foods like nuts and meat support dopamine production.
  • Targeted rewards: Intermittent rewards keep motivation up by constantly stimulating the dopamine system.
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About the author: Helen Hammelberg
Psychologist, fitness trainer, nutritionist & founder of OptiMind
With a holistic approach, Helen supports people in recognizing and developing their full potential - be it mentally, physically or spiritually. Her approach is based on a deep appreciation for the individual needs of each person and the belief that everyone has the ability to positively shape their lives.
The OptiMind principle reflects a strongly client-centred approach as well as a long-term and process-oriented way of thinking to support your individual well-being and maximise your performance.
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Helen Hammelberg